Monday, December 23, 2019

Michelangelos Motivation Essay - 1887 Words

The night Michelangelo Buonarroti was born, â€Å"Mercury and Venus were in the house of Jove,† says Vasari. This means that, according to a lucky star, Michelangelo could be expected to produce extraordinary works of both art and intellect. How true this turned out to be! Whether it was fate or coincidence, few haven’t heard of this world renowned and avant-garde talent. From painting to architecture and sculpture, it seems like there is nothing Michelangelo couldn’t master. Michelangelo is said to have considered himself a sculptor, but why was it then that he produced his sculpture with such a unique and striking depiction of the human body? Why did Michelangelo create such masculine forms, and was it self expression that provoked this†¦show more content†¦This fervent religiousness was, according to William Wallace, for the â€Å"salvation of his soul,† and achieved by Michelangelo as a means of â€Å"salvation through creation† (321). To repent for his sins, Michelangelo spent these last fifteen years of his life repenting for his sins through his artwork. His Rondanini Pieta, for example, was possibly created for the explicit purpose of his tomb. In his old age, and after the death of a close friend, it is apparent that Michelangelo’s awareness of his of mortality was heightened and â€Å"desire for salvation,† says Valarie Shrimplin-Evangelidis. The Rondanini Pieta depicts a disproportionate arm to the right of Christ, showing that at some point Michelangelo cut down the size of Christ’s arm to show less emphasis on the muscular male form and more on the subject matter. This also creates a sense of realism that is much more apparent in his later works and represents a definite shift in the way the Michelangelo depicts the human body. Wallace described this as, â€Å"confronting the unavoidable paradox of representing spiritual things in material form† (321-322). In the Florentine Pie ta, much like the Rondanini Pieta, Michelangelo sought to depict the human form in a dominantly realistic manner. In comparison to his Rome Pieta, we can see how Christ appear slightly weaker, with skinnier legs and a more distorted body position. The women in the Florentine Pieta have more fitted clothes and it isShow MoreRelatedThe Discobolus And Michelangelos David1280 Words   |  6 Pagesand standard for physical idealism stretching beyond the culture that it originated from. The evolution of such ideal standards for the human body’s aesthetic are similarly conveyed in an equally significant achievement in classical sculpture, Michelangelos David. Both of these pieces capture their respective audiences’ ideas of exceptional beauty and shed light on their attitudes toward the appropriateness, and even the utility of nudity in art and society at large. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Diversity at Work Free Essays

A major issue that many companies face today is how to promote diversity in the workplace. While federal laws and company policies give protection to diversity on the workplace, there still stand certain barriers that inhibit its growth. In effect, the purposes of these efforts are defeated. We will write a custom essay sample on Diversity at Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, it is important for firms to address how to overcome these barriers. Having been a longstanding issue, many studies have been devoted to defining and managing diversity, identifying obstacles to diversity, and ways in which these hurdles can be won. In all these studies, experts agreed that diversity is not an easy task. Moreover, promoting diversity in the workplace requires proponents to face the issues of fear, lack of cooperation from the workgroup, mistakes in planning, and problems with funding and training schedules, among other dilemmas. Diversity at Work—How to Make it Work? presents and explores these barriers that impede the expansion of diversity in workplaces, as identified by experts. In turn, the paper will also attempt to raise suggestions as to how these barriers can be overcome as well as how diversity can be promoted more effectively. Barriers to Diversity There is never any fool-proof plan. Companies most especially, regardless of size or industry, are fragile to facing challenges when they introduce plans that can adversely affect its operations and employees. However, companies should not be hindered by these challenges, and thus continue with plans that can contribute to the growth of the firm and its workforce. This applies essentially when a company decides to take a step in making theirs a diverse workplace. Diversity, being a sensitive issue that it is, can be filled with difficulties that many companies who subscribe to it end up unsuccessful. While it is impressive for a company to put efforts in promoting diversity in their firm, it is equally important for it to know that there are hurdles to their efforts to promote diversity in their workplaces. It is also necessary for them to identify and address these obstacles to allow for diversity to be effective. In doing so, the time, money, and effort that the company will put in to promoting diversity will not be put to waste. Here are some of the things that experts identified as barriers to making diversity flourish in organizations: Wrong leaders. Diversity is a sensitive initiative, and because it involves the employees it is normal for companies to create committees to lead the program, or appoint the human resources people to do the job. However, the sensitive nature of promoting diversity can make employees defenseless against other employees, even if they are human resources heads. (Simmons, 2003) Fear. According to Thiederman (2003), many companies who decide to face diversity tend to be afraid with the things attached to it. In many cases, diversity committees take considerable time planning the diversity initiatives because of their many fears such as to offend a minor group, or to make a mistake in the policies that they are making. Defective objectives. Companies may become unrealistic with their goals and either create objectives which are not applicable to their workplace, or too ideal that it can never be executed at all. (Thiederman, 2003) Simmons (2003) seconds this by saying that often, companies create diversity objectives that are not in line with the vision and mission of the company, to which everything should be based. Lack of cooperation from employees. The mere promotion of diversity introduces the fact that differences exist in the organization, and in fact further proves the existence of such. Despite the fact that diversity aims to equalize and create inclusiveness with all members of the workforce, there are instances when employees see loopholes and will not want to cooperate. (Thiederman, 2003) By promoting diversity, the dominant party or majority may also feel that they are receiving less opportunities in the company’s effort to promote equality and inclusion. These employees may feel that in the company’s efforts t please the minority, they are being left out and thus it will be difficult for them to cooperate. (Common barriers to diversity, 2000) Stereotypes. It is human nature to stereotype people. Often, people make assumptions of others consciously or not without considering how it can affect others and the environment in which they are in. Stereotyping affects companies in such a way that when employees judge each other, they are already working against diversity. (Common barriers to diversity, 2000) Co-membership Syndrome. It is not surprising that employees will likely group themselves according to their similarities. Thus commonly, white males will most likely group together in the same way that employees in their mid-20s will group together. However, this is one defect in companies that prevent diversity from happening. When employees group themselves, they unconsciously form factions that tend to be exclusive to them based on their similarities. A negative effect of this scenario is the tendency for these factions to create biases within their groups. For instance, when a member of the group has to be evaluated by a co-member fair and true judgment may not be given. (Common barriers to diversity, 2000) Insider Dynamics. In the creation of informal splinter groups in the workplace, it is inevitable for employees to feel either included or excluded in the factions. This highly affects the performance of the employees. When an employee is a member of a group, he considers himself an insider and can get the support of her co-members in any corporate initiative. On the other hand, employees who are different and thus does not enjoy the membership to a group (the outsiders to a group) do not get the backing they need in corporate initiatives. This damages their confidence and self-esteem. On a larger scale, it denies them the right to influence others, make decisions for themselves, their positions, and their departments, and may give them less access to vital information that can help them play their professional roles. (Common barriers to diversity, 2000) Cues and gestures. With the differences in race, gender, culture, education, age, and other aspects, people may have different cues and gestures that may mean differently to others. While this is normal, it greatly affects diversity efforts and can even create communication chaos. (Common barriers to diversity, 2000) Generalities in diversity training. Because diversity involves the inclusion of all employees regardless of differences, diversity trainings also tend to be diverse in nature and given on a whim without consideration on the different levels of understanding and acceptance that employees have as well as roles that they play. This makes most diversity trainings ineffective and wasteful. (Simmons, 2003) Lack of professional trainers. The demand for diversity trainings is on the rise, and it attracted non-professionals to join the bandwagon of diversity trainers despite lack of training and expertise on the subject. This creates more problem than solution, as non-skilled trainers can give unnecessary or wrong ideas to employees who can end up confused and frustrated. (Bennet, n. d. ) Time and cost. Promoting diversity and using diversity seminars is a mean feat. It can cost thousands of dollars to hire a diversity speaker, additional expenses to set up the training with all the requirements of it, and additional money for formulating policies and implementing them. Apart from this, it will also take time from employees and corporate heads alike, and in business time is also commensurate to money. When a company decides to promote diversity, both top-level executives and employees need to allot and spend time in cooperating. Company officials need to take the time to plan the initiative, create policies, assign executors, and monitor the progress of the plan first-hand to ensure that efforts are not put in vain. Employees will likewise need the time to meet with company officials and executors to discuss the plan for diversity, as well as allot a notch in their schedules to attend trainings and seminars. Thereafter, every member of the company must take time every single day at work to see that diversity is being practiced. Thus, time and cost are also barriers for many companies who are willing to promote diversity in their firms. (Bennet, n. d. ) Overcoming Barriers After identifying the barriers that companies experience in promoting diversity at work, it is essential for solutions to be classified as well. To begin with, Simmons (2003) states that diversity initiatives should be lead by the chief executive officers and top-level executives. This will make the plan appear to be of primary importance, as what it already is. The involvement of the higher ranks will also induce cooperation among employees. Fear is yet another obstacle in achieving corporate diversity and to aid this, Thiederman (2003) says that it will be helpful for the proponents and leaders of the initiative to speak with their people and find out exactly what their thoughts and views are to bring about the actual necessities in the issue and avoid mistakes, especially in the area of policy making. Matching the goals of diversity with the goals, mission, and vision of the company will also set the goals of the initiative straight. (Simmons, 2003) It is important for companies to create realistic objectives that are consistent with the beliefs that their companies subscribe into. Likewise, companies that are just starting with their diversity plans should study and learn from companies who have already succeeded in managing diversity in their firms. (Thiederman, 2003) However, it is inevitable to have employees who are not willing to cooperate with diversity efforts regardless of attempts in the part of the company. According Thiederman (2003), involving everyone is the key to soliciting cooperation. Because diversity plans often put importance to the members of the minority in the workplace, dominant parties can feel left out and refuse to collaborate. Likewise, members of minor parties may feel that diversity highlights their difference all the more, especially when companies overdo the use of political correctness to the point of pretentiousness. Thus, companies should strive to make everyone a part of the effort in diversifying. The proponents should also refrain from adjusting and minimizing the company standards just to accommodate the minority as this will not be agreeable to all employees, dominant or not, and can cause them to think twice about cooperating. Heathfield (2007) agrees, saying that to promote diversity the company must keep itself on the winning court. Simmons (2003) also stressed that any complaint on reverse discrimination should be readily addressed. Trainings and information dissemination may also address most concerns related to diversity such as stereotyping, co-membership, insider dynamics, and cues and gesture differences. Companies who invest on and effectively carry out such trainings encourage and inform their employees that holding and sharing assumptions and judgments about other people, especially their co-employees, can adversely affect them, their relationships, and their workplace. Efficient trainings and seminars on diversity can also eliminate the formation of factions and, ultimately, avoid the existence of insider and outsider dynamics within the organization. Differences in cues and gestures and the multiplicity of their interpretations may also be addressed by proper training and information. When employees understand that their cues and gestures may mean differently with others, they will become more sensitive with their actions and strive to act more appropriately in a manner that is appropriately understandable to others according to what they really mean. However, diversity trainings must be executed efficiently. One problem on diversity training is the use of generalities, often to address the need for diversity information of all employees at one time. This leaves a part of the audience informed, and a part of the audience misinformed or uninformed. Diversity trainings should therefore consider that every employee hold positions that require them to play different roles. Thus, every employee will need to learn how to inject diversity according to the tasks that they do on a daily basis and the responsibilities that they handle. (Simmons, 2003) Interestingly, however, Simmons (2003) suggests that in defining diversity, one should be as broad as possible and attempt to cover the different aspects in which an organization should be diverse. This allows diversity to cover a global scope, as compared to merely promoting race or gender equality. These explain that while diversity training should be as specific as possible according to the skills and roles of each employee, discussing diversity per se should be generalized and cover as much difference as one company can cover based on the cases within the organization. Lack of professional trainers also poses a problem in many diversity efforts. While the number of companies who are willing to subscribe to diversity is on a steep rise, the number of diversity trainers is also on the fast track up. However, the number of professional trainers—the experts—, which is an entirely different thing, is on a forward drag. While the solution to this problem may not be on the hands of companies, it is important that firms trying to start diversity trainings in their workplaces do not hire just any available trainer around. Professional trainers provide high-quality trainings and give expert consultation that no low-cost, readily available trainer can offer. If financially feasible, companies may also outsource the training to third-party consulting firms if professional trainers are not available. Time is also an essential consideration that hinders diversity programs from becoming effective. As shown, diversity can take a lot of precious time; and as mentioned above time in business equals money. It is therefore important that every minute spent on diversity is used efficiently. Monitoring and consistent evaluation can help companies achieve this and avoid wastage. Costs may also be a hurdle for companies to provide diversity plans for their employees. To get by, companies must assess how much actual money they are willing to spend on their diversity initiative. It is also important to allot the money properly according to the priorities of the plan so that each aspect of the plan is funded accordingly. Similar as the time barrier, monitoring and evaluation should be done to ensure that the money being allotted for the diversity plan is properly spent. Apart from these means in overcoming the barriers identified, it is worthy to consider several other suggestions from experts in managing and promoting diversity at work. According to Bennet (n. d. ), storytelling is one of the experts’ ways to promote variety because by sharing stories of both discrimination and diversity, listeners tend to think and feel. This allows for emotions to be tapped, a powerful way to convince people to support diversity and do away with discrimination. Heathfield (2007), on the other hand, presents an interesting key in unlocking diversity. While it has been mentioned a while ago that a barrier to diversity is the co-membership syndrome where employees tend to bond with others who are like them, Heathfield suggests that similarities be used to promote diversity saying that by highlighting the things where the employees are alike diversity can be promoted. One common ground to begin with is the goal set that employees may have for working in the firm. Most importantly, diversity initiatives must respect and value people, specifically employees, and their contributions. It is important for companies to understand that diversity does not aim to widen the privilege entitlement of minority groups. By doing so, the workplace will be a more interesting and enjoyable place to be in. How to cite Diversity at Work, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Agricultural RandD Innovation Systems †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Agricultural RandD Innovation Systems. Answer: Introduction Australian industry is one of the most agriculture intensive industries comparing with the global agriculture market. Victoria is dominant in dairy and herd production. The evolution of technology has served them well and their productivity has increased since last three decades (Klerkx and Nettle, 2013). The small farmers were able to generate the derivative products of milk and supported to the revenue that every individual state made in the following years. According to the dairy situation and outlook report on 2017 the farmers have produced 700 million fewer litters of milk due to a huge crisis that have hit the whole Australia in the last year (Sorensen, 2011). However, the consumption of the branded products has not lessened. Victoria being the centre of production has seen 9% growth in the full cream milk production (Klerkx and Nettle, 2013). Whereas Australia accounts for an approximate 2% of the worlds milk production, it is a noteworthy exporter of dairy merchandise (Regula tions, 2013). The Australian dairy industry was significantly challenged by deregulation, droughts and the financial crisis. However, the industry has also been seen to to adapt to difficult situations through sharing its view of the challenges and opportunities and with collective action. One crucial feature for their success now would be the policy control of the environmental factors, which is an important role in accordance with the industry to adapt in the future and further develop. The Australian Dairy industry is a fully established industry and some subtropical areas of Australia is also rich in giving supply to its customers. Even though most of the countrys milk production takes place in south?east seaboard parts states, all states have separate dairy farms that supply fresh drinking milk to close by cities and towns. Australian milk production has been steadily increasing with the demand and modified derivative product of milk. Fresh milk, butter, cheese, milk powders, whey products and casein (Sorensen, 2011). International market The New Zealand statistics shows that, they are one among the key industries in the dairy production (Klerkx and Nettle, 2013). The organization is able to satisfy the thirst of the country and whole worlds demand of milk and its side products. The small shelf life of milk means that Australias export percentage of fresh milk is partial mainly to UHT product. Around 80% of Australias fresh milk exports goes to Asia with a further 15% intended for the Pacific region (Regulations, 2013). The cheese industry itself exports to 50% of the domestic production. This industry itself is a predominantly developed in the national region. The Skimmed milk powder and the whole milk powder accounts to 80% of the National dairy herd 1.6 million Average herd size 220 cows National milk production 9 billion litres Dairy workforce 40,000*2.5 New Zealand - the major competitor of Australia is one of the most aggressive seller in the international market. Total number of herds 11,918 Average herd size 419 Number of cows 5 million Effective hectares in production New Zealand 1.8 million Milk processed by dairy companies 21.0 billion litres(2015-2016) International trade scenario The dairy research and development of organisations major contributor is federal government. The trade policy is in the industry is favourable for the industry. The three core business objectives in the dairy planning cycle is escalating farm productivity, maintain and develop value-added service, channels, products, high-margin and others. Promote and protect the unique profit of Australian dairy industry. ADF is formed by Australian farmers organisation and there is the help the small farmers get from non-profit organisations (Regulations, 2013). Southeast Asian market is Australias largest export oriented market. Stipulation from this market has led to a 33% enhanced in international dairy and its derivatives consumption in the last decade(Grace and Lennie, 2012). Even though there are hurdles to give services and sell in this market, the Ausis are confident enough that demand expansion is high. It is implied that economic prosperity and higher education enabled system will spread s all through the core region and there will be steady escalation in demand. The China, Africa, and Middle East are the one among the major exporters of the dairy products and consume the major percentage of the products (Grace and Lennie, 2012). The Australian market has strength in the domestic market and furthermore, they are milks multinational value increment (Sorensen, 2011). The derivatives of the main product are also capturing the completely international market competing with the value-addition and prospective consumption market percentage (Nettle, Paine and Penry, 2010). However, the trade regulations of the industry have to face some highly contingency factors. This includes the China and Middle Easts production and expansion in the regarding instruction (Nettle, Paine and Penry, 2010). The Neighbouring countries production and their strong economic condition can be highly competitive in the recent years inferred from the above table. Europeans balance and protectionist has long since given headache to the trade enablers in the international market. Their products are facing headed competition with the former dairy market leaders (Grace and Lennie, 2012). The prices of the products are also volatile because of dynamic supply-demand ration working in the industry. Export share of trade EU 32% New Zealand 35% Australia 10% USA 7% Argentina 4% Ukraine 2% Uruguay 1% Other 9% Milk and its derivative products life cycle The most consumption is in the fresh milk sector and the stage is by drinking (Nettle, Brightling and Hope, 2013). The drinking milk, butter, cheese, yogurt are the majorly consumed product among the country the statistics of per capita is given below. Commodity Consumption(per capita/annum) Milk 102 litres Cheese 13kg Butter 4 kg Yogurt 7 kg South East Asia 30% Japan 19% America 5% Africa 4% Middle east 10% Europe 2% Other Asia 24% Competition Internal value chain analysis Australian dairy industrys largest producer was Victoria accounting for supplying 60% of the national milk consumption (Backus, Eidman and Dijkhuizen, 2012). The Southern, Central, Coastal NSW Dairy industry produces diverse milk production as they have land grass and fodder growing areas (Edwards, 2003). The market influences are one among the major factor for fresh milk production. The processor authority prefers local and reliably produced milk, which helps them in cost reduction and logistics handling. This region produces among the 741 million litres of milk and 8% of Australias production milk (Nettle, Brightling and Hope, 2013). The level of risk for adaptation and investment may affect production of milk. Second, major reformation is likely to be made at milk production stage in some challenging regions, which will in turn will affect on the current system and structure (Buys et al.2014). Third, the Emission Trading Scheme of the country, paired with a limited growth of production and increased ethical standards, everything have the potential headed for raising costs above competitors, and this may affect the competitiveness and price of Australian products (Von et al., 2013). Industry structure and regional strength The Gippsland dairy industry 2 billion (22%) Western Victoria dairy industry 2 billion (23%) Murray dairy industry 1.84 billion (20.5%) Southern dairy industry 620 million (7%) Tasmanian dairy industry 650 million (7%) Western Australian Dairy Industry 338 million litres(20.5%) Different innovative products like fresh dairy products and stream included drinking milk and othere customised products and dairy desserts. Specialised ingredients and whey proteins, SMP, BMP and WMP are high valued manufactured products (Von et al., 2013). There are also schemes, centres that helps people in the industry to operate efficiently. The Australian Dairy Herd Impovemnet Scheme, Dairy Extension Centre, Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre(CRC), Dairy Innovation Australia Limited, Department of primary history Victoria (Backus, Eidman and Dijkhuizen, 2012). The national bodies which helps in this are National Heritage trust, National landscape program, NSW department and primary Industries, Tasmanian Institute and Heritage trust are one of the major investor in the innovation program and dynamic strategy faces challenges in the regarding Industry(Gourley et al., 2012). There are many challenges that the manufacturing industry faces in the production procedure. The volatility of the supply and demand market and customers preference in the different products. The global crisis on 2008-2009 has been the most difficult period for the Industry (Bethune et al. 2004). However, the prices of the products have come down due to the consumption pattern changes and outlook of retail stages have gone down due to the competitiveness of the food safety (Edwards, 2003). In addition there is a decline in inflationary pressure, that additionally benefits the selling of dairy products. Strengths and weakness Opportunities and threats of the industry As the historical data suggest that the dairy industry have grown in the last three decades they have incorporated efficient production methods The position of this industry is strong in the export market and have seen steady growth of 9% (Gourley et al., 2012). The Australian industry is one of the major exporters, as in third largest exporter on milk and its derivative products. The industry also have a backup of investors willing to contribute in the research and development in dairy manufacturing and value added products, as well as the packaging and customising the products (Bethune et al. 2004). The weakness is seen to be in the demand factor. The domestic market of the industry faces the volatility of climate. The agricultural sector has always been prone to volatility of climate change factors. The retail sell and wholesale industry of milk faces a major problem of having shelf life of the products. Policy uncertainty of the trade practises has been one of the major weaknesses of the industry. Management of production risk less Demand of all Australian milk products in Asia Greater efficiency scale of the industry The production cost Climate change in agricultural business Porters values chain analysis Barriers to entry the Australian diary industry has been strong since 1989 revolution in the industry (Soliman, 2000). However, the recent crisis in the milk production of the industry and shortage in the production has lead to crisis in the international market reputation. The domestic industry factors are strong to retaliate against (Gourley et al., 2012). Therefore, the risk to entry of global competitors is less. Threat of rival - the major threat in the industry is the water availability in the agro-cultivated land but the industry is facing certain policy related problem on the state of Victoria. The other industries are there to give competition to this industry in this matter. The deregulation of this industry has left some uncertainty in the boar (Buys et l.2014). The rationalisation of this industry has left the core efficient producers weak to international competitors vulnerable and heavily subsided. The main competitors of this industry are China and Africa. Threat of substitute the products itself does not have good substitute. However, the competitors pose a challenge in building the good substitute brand for the company. Threat of supplier The supplier market is dominative in this particular industry. The suppliers have different board of co-operation and back up of having investments from the government subsidiary bodies (Grace and Lennie, 2012). The total industry is private and deregulated in Australia. Threat of customers -the risk in threat of customers is less than any other industry. The customers are less prone to go to other products than the fresh produce of the domestic companies (Nettle, Brightling and Hope, 2013). However, the global competitors dairy products and their innovative products may inherit a threat to competitors. Conclusion The Australian dairy industry is certainly a self-sufficient and competitive enough in the global context. There is direct employment in the region of Australia for around 40,000 people and additional downstream processing. This industry is one of Australias major industries that contribute to the economic development. Australia ranks third in terms of global dairy trade with 10% share of world dairy export followed by New Zealand and the European Union. In response to these discussed challenges, a variety of strategies well as actions and plan have been redirected or executed by the industry in respect to the industrys production systems, response to environmental change and natural resource management, and market access. 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